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The stigma Around Maths

Updated: May 21, 2023

Today we'll take a look at maths as a subject and some fairly recent coverage in the media surrounding it. Namely we'll discuss a news article published earlier this year by the BBC on "Maths Until 18" however we'll focus on the importance of maths as a subject and even career. We'll discuss the value maths should holds in our day to day life and what future prospects it has for anyone who studies it.

Maths at School

It is indeed true that our early experiences - be it in primary school or now in high school - is bound to shape our love towards a subject. Some of us may have bad experiences but that shouldn't discourage us, one thing that remains true is that maths is useful, very useful. The phone, laptop or whatever you are holding exists because of maths. Our world around us actually revolves around precise calculations and a fine tuned system which maths helps us appreciate. So no matter how we may feel about it, maths is one of those subject we must appreciate. But why wouldn't you feel excited to study maths, after all it is one of the subject with the vastest career opportunities. Now, unless you have explored maths outside the classroom you probably wouldn't know of the concept of discrete maths or mathematical programming, game theory and more. The point is these are not just maths buzz words.They are truly fascinating concepts and fields which should be explored, so why don't you? You'll never know what you might find.

Why has Maths been a Hot Topic recently?

Well the government has made it mandatory to study till 16, this indicates that the government definitely thinks it to be quite important. News articles published earlier this year made a big fuss when prime minister Rishi Sunak proposed making maths compulsory till 18. Of course there are strong arguments on both side, however this isn't the time to discuss that. What really needs to be focused on is the importance maths has and its value in the current governments mind, whether their policies to increase our study of maths are feasible or not.

Is studying maths a career?

It could be! I believe this is entirely up to the individual. Especially as maths is such a vast topic and its applications are many, you could learn maths to a PhD level ( like our amazing teacher Dr Blaire) but that's certainly not the limit; you could also be a data scientist, data analyst, meteorologist and much much more. The stars are the limit, and if maths really isn't your thing, then at least we can agree we should all appreciate it for wonders it has allowed us to achieve.

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