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Technology Shaping Dental Future

Technological developments within stem cell research are making a cutting-edge shift in the future of the dental field. These cells are characterised as being undifferentiated cells that have the ability to give rise to distinct cell specialities. Recent studies within regenerative dentistry have established techniques allowing for the greatest proportion of these cells to be obtained. A powerful discovery transforming the future of dentistry. This field of study is a specialism focusing on the repair and revival of damaged oral tissue through the use of cells and molecular structures. This is through a device called “Tooth cracker 5000” which decreases the risk of contamination of the pulp and corrosion of the tooth by cautiously splitting it using a blade. This allows for stem cells to be collected and used.

The role of these cells within this field can be life-changing through improving the quality of life for many. Effective use of such dental advancements can reduce the number of extractions and root canal treatments used to handle infections. Stem cells can allow damaged teeth to recover through the use of dental fillings in stimulating the promotion of growth of the main components of teeth including enamel, dentin, and cementum. Such a discovery can also help transform lives through utilising these cells within medical purposes such as for strokes, blindness, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer.

This leads to the discussion of CRISPR technology within dentistry. CRISPR is technology used to edit genes whereby oral cancer-associated genes can be switched off, thus preventing the development of cancer. Another use of this can be in modifying the activity of bacteria causing plaque formation. Such an innovation can also be used in preventing dental caries (cavities) and periodontal disease (gum disease).

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