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STEM Hub Autumn Term Newsletter

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

Hello again to everyone in the Drayton Manor High School Community!

We have published our first ever newsletter which includes the latest information about what's been going on in the STEM Hub Community. It was sent out at the end of the last term and includes a summary of what's been going on during the Autumn Term.

You can view the newsletter at the following link:

Our team talks about the latest and upcoming clubs that you can get involved in at school, the winners of our previous KS3 competition and the new competitions for KS3 and KS5 which have already started!

Have a look at the newsletter for the full details, and do get involved in the competition (see our Competitions page) and the many other opportunities (see our Opportunities page) available to you.

Don't forget that you can also have your own STEM articles published right here! Click here if you would like to have a go.

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